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GeetkoLyrics is a top Nepali song lyrics site with more than 20k monthly views. We present advertisers like you with effective tools to help your business grow.

Advertise with GeetkoLyrics and reach out to more people for your products and services.

What type of advertisers are we seeking?

Since GeetkoLyrics is a musical website, we prefer advertisements related to the field of music. For example, musical stores, instruments, classes, artist promotions, song promotions/features, etc.

How can you collaborate with GeetkoLyrics?

  • Affiliate marketing: Buy links and product promotions.
  • Sponsored articles / Reviews: Articles related to your products/services.
  • Banner Ads: We will display banner ads of different sizes in different locations of our website, as per our agreement.
  • Pop-up Ads: We will display pop-up ads that guarantee visitors’ impressions and views.

Please contact us for advertising rates and availability by filling out the form below or emailing us at
