Batti Deuta Lyrics: Joint Family Internationale is a reggae group first formed in 2008 but lapsed shortly after. The band believes in bringing people together through music for fun, peace, love and happiness. The band reformed with its current line up on 6 February 2010 to celebrate Bob Marley’s birthday at House of Music. Since then, there has been no turning back. Besides playing in various shows and venues around Kathmandu, JFI has headlined the annual Sundance Music Festival three years in a row. Neta Ji is the first single released by the band. JFI also released it’s first studio album ‘ONE GOOD THING‘ on the 24th of August 2013 consisting of eight songs in total.
Joint Family Internationale writes “Batti Deuta is a satirical song asking the Gods to ‘give us ‘batti’ or light. As we Nepali people consider a stone or a rock to be God, then there must be a God for electricity, water, roads and wisdom. So, this song is simply a prayer to all those gods and goddesses to give us all the things we don’t have enough of in Nepal.”
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at: Katjazz Records by Manzil KC
Arranged and performed by: Joint Family Internationale

Joint Family Internationale Lyrics
“Batti Deuta Lyrics”
(Hey batti deuta batti dilai deu
Hay jal deuta dhara ma pani deu
Hey bato deuta khalto puri deu
Hay buddhi deuta buddhi dilau deu) x2
Batti gayo aati bhayo sabai kaam thappa bhayo
Batti gayo aati bhayo sabai kaam thappa bhayo
Saathi bhetna jada kheri khalto ma khasi ladyo
Jalsrot ko dhani desh re bidhyarthi haru chai tuki bali padhna paryo
Ae batti deuta batti dilai deu
Hae jal deuta dhara ma pani deu
Hey karma deuta kaam dilai deu
Hae buddhi deuta buddhi dilau deu
Sagarmatha Bagmati safa ra suddha rakha
Sagarmatha Bagmati safa ra suddha rakha
Kala ani sanskriti sadhaibha jogai rakha
Buddha ko desh yo hami sabai prem shanti satya badhau
Ayy battii deevh tah, baathee dee lai deeu
Aey zaal deevh tah, dhaara maa paani deeu
Ayy baato devh tah, khalto puri deu
Aey buddhi devh tah, buddhi dilau deu
Joint Family Internationale – Batti Deuta (Official Video)
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