NA ALJHAU Lyrics in English by Satish Ghalan: The song titled “Na Aljhau” or “न अल्झाउ” is a song from the Nepal based Indie pop and folk artist, Satish Ghalan. Na Aljhau is the fourth song from the artist’s debut album “Goreto” which consists of eight songs in total. The song is also available to stream or download on all major streaming platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, or Apple Music.
Song: Na Aljhau (न अल्झाउ) by Satish Ghalan
Album: Goreto
Composed and Performed by: Satish Ghalan
Produced by: Nikesh Karki

Na Aljhau Lyrics
“Satish Ghalan Lyrics”
Yo sansaar bhulai deu na
Sodhi deu na ekaichin
Timi mero barey ma
Na aljhau mutu mero
Bhawana haru bicha ma
Timi lai taha chaina
Lekhdai chu ma geeta
Mutu laai gumsaai
Yo mutu aaba thamidai thamena
Birano, birano sahar ma bhautaridai
Haraudaai, baato haru pachyaudai
K gannu, timi mai saash adkiyecha
Aakha yo timi lai khoji bhadkecha
Allare hidera gaine jhai gayera
Jindagi kun chai mod ma dhuki dincha
Timi nai bhana na, kaa jaau k garu
Timi bina rangin sansaar fikka lagcha
Yo aavash malai kaile bhayena
Yo moha kasto pardai cha
Gaatho yo mutu khuldai cha
Yo sansar bhulaai deu na
Sodhi deu naa ekaichhin
Timi mero baarey maa!
Stream or Download Na Aljhau by Satish Ghalan from the album Goreto on Spotify:
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