Sathi Lyrics by Sushant KC: ‘Sathi’ is a song from Sushant KC released in the year 2019. Sushant KC is a singer-songwriter, Record Producer, Pop and R&B/Soul artist born in Nepal. He writes for the song Sathi” “Some feelings are embedded in our hearts, and we know they exist in our subconscious. Seldom do we realize the value of those feelings and react to prevent any sort of losses. This is an abstract of one of those feelings which may sound awkward blurting out loud, leaving it unexpressed and unsaid. To all my precious SATHIS who have stuck through thick and thin, expressing my love towards you with this song. You mean the world to me”. The song is written, sung and composed by Sushant KC himself and mastering is done by Foeseal.
Written / Sung / Composed by: Sushant KC
Mastering: Foeseal

Sushant KC Lyrics
“Sathi Lyrics”
Dherai din bata yaha sunyata kaalo badaal chayeko jasto
Eh Sathi timi kaha chau vana na lamo din haru katna nai garo bho
Sano chada hami khelne garthyeu tyo galli ma chimeki karauthey saro
Aaja ko kata cha ko kata cha tara maan le mero balyakaal nai pukaryo
Khoji rahey ko cha din haru testai jawani le kaha purayo
Bato cha beglai tara bhetne chau hami nirash hunu pardaina bho
Sajha yeta bata tara herchu timi pani uta bata hera hai
Chamkila tara sara mera pyara sathi bhai heri najikinu hai
Jeewan ko bato vanthey gham ra chhaya chhata odera kataunai parne
Bachha dekhi padhi lekhi aghi badhyau hami sangai aba janu nai parne
Kohi lai bannu cha thulo manxey kohi vanne ghadi sangai
Bitauchan jindagi jasari baru sathi huncha sajilai
Samjhana baki cha hamra tii paal ko
Sangai nahola hami tara saath
Sadhai bhar ko
Samjhana baki cha hamra tii paal ko
Sangai nahola hami tara saath
Sadhai bhar ko
Dherai din bata yaha sunyata kaalo badaal chayeko jasto