Dubai Gorkhali Lyrics by The Kathmandu Killers: The Kathmandu Killers is a Hardcore / Ska / Punk / Reggae / Electro playing band based in Kathmandu, Nepal. They have been producing satirical songs conveying various political messages, addressing social issues and also discussing taboos openly with their audience. “Dubai Gorkhali” is the second song from their debut EP ‘Stories From Krantipur‘. The EP consists of total 6 songs.
The Kathmandu Killers writes: “Dedicated to migrant workers everywhere in the world who tried to make a life at home and ended up as migrant workers in another, richer country. Some live in terrible conditions; some survive it and return a little broken, but economically successful. The ‘brave new world’ Gorkhalis of today, cheers to them.”
Record: Ris Records and the Infoshop
Album: Stories From Krantipur

The Kathmandu Killers Lyrics
“Dubai Gorkhali Lyrics”
Euta thito boki sapana, bhantiyo ma hu Gorkhali
Usko gaau usko thau, sabai ko eutai rahar
Bhanthiyo, aayo Gorkhali
Garyo taalim diyo parikshya, police army lahure ma
Haresh khayo bhayo berojgar, gayo Dubai khojna rojgar
Garyo taalim diyo parikshya, police army lahure ma
Haresh khayo bhayo berojgar, gayo Dubai khojna rojgar
(Sapana ta sapanai bhayo, Dubai gai pet bharna paryo) x4
(Dubai Gorkhali, Dubai Gorkhali) x4
Euta thito boki sapana, bhantiyo ma hu Gorkhali
Usko gaau usko thau, sabai ko eutai rahar
Bhanthiyo, aayo Gorkhali
Garyo taalim diyo parikshya, police army lahure ma
Haresh khayo bhayo berojgar, gayo Dubai khojna rojgar
Garyo taalim diyo parikshya, police army lahure ma
Haresh khayo bhayo berojgar, gayo Dubai khojna rojgar
(Sapana ta sapanai bhayo, Dubai gai pet bharna paryo) x4
(Aayo Gorkhali, Gayo Gorkhali) x2
(Dubai Gorkhali) x4
(Dubai Gorkhali, Dubai Gorkhali) x8
The Kathmandu Killers – Dubai Gorkhali (Official Audio)
More Lyrics by The Kathmandu Killers:
- GOLDSTAR JUTTA Lyrics in English – The Kathmandu Killers
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- AAMA MA AJA GHAR AUDINA Lyrics in English – The Kathmandu Killers
- CHODENA KATHMANDU LE Lyrics in English – The Kathmandu Killers
- SWIKARA SANGALA NAMAARA Lyrics in English – The Kathmandu Killers