SAPANAHARU AANKHAA KHOLERAI DEKHNE GARCHAU RE Lyrics in English by Bartika Eam Rai: The song titled “Sapanaharu Aankhaa Kholerai Dekhne Garchau Re” is a new release and the eighth track from the Nepalese artist Bartika Eam Rai‘s new album titled “Aandhii, Ityaadi“. The song along with its official lyrics video by Kathaharu was released on 6th March 2024 (Wednesday) through the artist’s official YouTube channel.
Aandhii, Ityaadi is the fourth official studio album by Bartika Eam Rai (वर्तिका एम राई). The album Aandhii, Ityaadi (आंधी, इत्यादि) consists of 11 songs in total. The full album Aandhii, Ityaadi is said to be available to download or stream on all major streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music only from late March 2024.
Song: Sapanaharu Aankhaa Kholerai Dekhne Garchau Re
Album: Aandhii, Ityaadi (आंधी, इत्यादि)
Written, Composed, and Sung by: Bartika Eam Rai
Mastered, Engineered, and Produced by: Diwas Gurung

Sapanaharu Aankhaa Kholerai Dekhne Garchau Re Lyrics
“Bartika Eam Rai Lyrics”
Sapanaharu aankhaa kholerai dekhne garchau re
Bachunjel bhetne manxey thau sabai kalpi sakyau re
Aafno lagi manchey eklo aafu hau bhanne maanchau re
Yeti dukha jabo yo ta sakincha bhandai bachhchau re
Maya saatney mero chahana sabai
Chhadi sakeko thiye maile saachai
Timlai bhetera nai mutu pahilo patak
Almaliyeko hola
Jhari ta aakhir ma
Aaja paarnu nai thiyo
Bhet ta akhir ma timle maile
Hamley bhetnu nai thiyo
Dherai bata sunyau hola
Thiye timrai khoji ma
Feriney chhan sabai mausaam
Hunchu timrai saatha ma
Maaya garna garo raichau
Bharosa aru lai birolai garchau
Tara malai chunauti, estai chunauti
Chahiyeko holaa
Sapana haru aakha kholerai dekhi baschau re
Timra sapana haru ma sanga badha
Ma mathi thorai bharosha rakha
Timlai bhetera naai mutu
Ali baachna khojdai yaaha!
Bartika Eam Rai – Sapanaharu Aankhaa Kholerai Dekhne Garchau Re [Official Lyrics Video]:
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